*Dates may vary for each program and will be communicated to admitted students before the program’s start.
Koç University Summer Research Program consists of 2 parts:
High School Research and Graduate/Undergraduate Research.
Undergraduate Program is for motivated undergraduates from different universities who want to improve their research skills and plan to attend graduate school. The program offers the undergraduates the opportunity to gain research experience that helps them decide if they want to pursue graduate education or professional research career. Depending on the type of the project, graduate students can apply and take part in the program too.
High School Program helps students experience a university environment, gather information on the undergraduate area they would like to study, and learn how to conduct an academic research. This program is for motivated high school students, who would like to study in universities which prioritize academic research, and develop their research skills.
Koç University Summer Research Program is available for all graduate/undergraduate and high school students including international students.
For more detailed information, please click on the picture boxes below.