RDM (Research Data Management) entails managing procured and produced research data throughout its phases of collection, storage, analysis / processing, dissemination, archiving, and deletion. The act of data management specifically involves taking necessary legal precautions, getting ethics approval, organizing physical and digital infrastructures, establishing data protection measures, as well as pursuing proper research output dissemination policies.
RDM is not only an application of open science policy about research data, but also a matter of risk management. Data security problems and the resultant legal consequences can jeopardize not only the researcher or their project but also their research institution. Hence, management of research data is also about minimizing the risk of such jeopardy.
For approximately 2 years, the Koç University RDM team has been supporting researchers in their efforts to plan and execute their research data management procedures. The members of the RDM team work under the VPRD, Library, Legal, and IT departments, and provide researchers with expert opinion regarding the management of their research data. Since January 2023, the RDM group’s activities have been coordinated by Koç University’s research data coordinator.
The Research Data Coordinator: Cem Birol (cebirol@ku.edu.tr)